Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?
The beauty of the business is that it has seasonal peaks and I can manage the workload during the school hours and then finish anything else in the evening when the kids are in bed. I recently moved into some office space in my area which gives me the separation from work and home but I can still be home in time for the kids after school.

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?
The overwhelm of trying to do everything! As a small business owner, funds are tight and you have to cherry pick what to outsource and what to do yourself. I have a great bookkeeper and graphic designer/co designer and the rest I can do myself. It can still be overwhelming at times but I am looking forward to a decent break over the summer holidays with my family and having some downtime.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?
One con is struggling to switch off! I find myself constantly looking at emails and social media at night and it is hard to turn the brain and idea stream off some days. I love the flexibility it offers so I can attend sports days and assembly for my children and am home every day when they get home from school. It’s exactly what I needed after several years of full-time work with a long commute and kids in before and after school care.
Hopes and dreams: What next?
I am working on some new categories for the business to launch next year! And also, more jewellery for the tweens and teens as well as gold! Very exciting times ahead for 2020 for Bo + Bala.
Visit the Bo + Bala website to see their full range of beautiful jewellery. You can also join their communities on Facebook and Instagram.