Beautiful & Unique Gifts for Babies and Mamas-to-be

The drive: What challenges have you overcome? 

The biggest challenge for me has been to connect with specific suppliers. Some suppliers can be quite selective when it comes to the stores they supply, so it was quite difficult to gain suppliers before we had an online presence. Since our website has been live, it has been much easier, as suppliers have been able to see our online brand and know that their products are being presented to a high standard.

For better or for worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business? 

The pros are that you are in control of all business decisions; you get to choose who you work with; you choose the hours you work and create the environment you work in; and you get to work on something you are truly passionate about.

The cons are that you have to put in a lot more time than your usual 9-5; there is a lot of added stress; and you have to keep up with the development of your chosen industry 

Hopes and dreams: What next? 

We hope to continue to develop the online website and create a space where our brand can shine and provide people with their gifting needs. We aim to enhance the presentation of our gifts and provide a seamless online service at an international level.

Visit the One Baby website to check out their range of products. You can also follow their journey on Facebook and Instagram.

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