The drive: What challenges have you overcome?
Finding time and opportunity to market and collaborate with like-minded businesswomen. As a mum of 2 children aged under 3 who is working on building a business, you simply have to become creative in the time and places you do business tasks.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?
In terms of pros, it’s great to have the flexibility of what hours I work and the workload I take on.
As for cons, definitely the irregular income and the stress that brings.

Hopes and dreams: What next?
To slowly and gently support women in and around Canberra to have the best start to being a parent to their newborn babies – guiding them to have a gentle birth and breastfeeding journey filled with support.
Visit the Milk Matters Breastfeeding Support website to find out more about the services they provide. You can also follow them on Facebook.