Create, Capture, Cherish: Crafted Customised Keepsakes, Gifts & Decor

Little Keep & Co

While on maternity leave with her first child, Shanice Matthews realised how quickly time flies when raising little ones. She was inspired to create a business that not only was she passionate about, but also allowed her to spend precious time with her little boy. A creative at heart, she had always loved trying to find the perfect gift or keepsake to capture those special life memories, which led to the creation of Little Keep & Co. They craft unique personalised gifts, decor and keepsakes that can be cherished forever. Here Shanice talks to The Natural Parent Magazine about the passion behind Little Keep & Co, the challenges she has overcome, and the pros and cons of running her own business.

The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?

Not long after having my first baby, I discovered just how quickly time slips away when raising children, especially in those early years. I knew then that returning to my previous employment after maternity leave was not an option anymore. I wanted to create a business that I was passionate about which also allowed me to spend time creating and capturing those precious memories with my little one.

I am a creative person at heart, who has always had a passion for trying to find the perfect gift or keepsake for every occasion. Having an uncommon name myself, I learnt growing up how hard it can be to find gifts or keepsakes for everyone. I instantly fell in love with the idea of being able to create personalised gifts and keepsakes, that are not only inclusive but capture those special life memories that will be cherished forever. So by combining my love and passion, Little Keep & Co was created.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?

I first started making designs on a little hobby laser machine in our garage during nap time. My first customers were mainly family and friends who put in requests. With all their support and love for my products, they suggested I start expanding. As my confidence grew with the machine and I was happy with the quality of the products, I opened an Etsy store. As the business continued to grow, I eventually upgraded from a little hobby machine to a bigger one, which then led to creating my very own website.

The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?

I believe the biggest breakthrough has definitely been upgrading to a bigger machine. Not only has it allowed me to introduce new materials, create larger pieces and increase my production size, I have been able to explore the wholesale market and sell/create custom pieces for businesses. With an increase in production size, I was able to start getting out in the community and attending local markets. Overall, this has helped us to expand our network and community both on and off social media, allowing for continuous growth.

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?

Trying to grow and run a small business while being a stay-at-home mum can be difficult but also extremely rewarding! I try to squeeze in as much work as possible when my little one sleeps, so getting up early, staying up late and working during nap time is the new normal for me. I have an incredible partner who will stay up late with me helping to finish and pack orders or do anything he can to help out. I also have very supportive family and friends who will come help pack orders during the busy seasons. When I am not working, I am enjoying my time being present with my little one watching him grow and capturing those special memories that I know I will cherish forever.

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