Decorating And Maintaining An Eco-Friendly Nursery

Day-to-day eco-friendly living 

Because it’s where your baby will spend a significant portion of their time, bedding should be your first concern when decorating is done. Regular mattresses are treated with a range of chemicals, so opt for an organic alternative if possible. Similarly, your child will also spend a lot of time playing with toys.

When buying toys, eco-friendly brands will tend to avoid the harmful chemicals that often leach out of plastics in cheaper brands.

Reusable cloth nappies are becoming increasingly popular, but they can be expensive and require some effort to maintain. Biodegradable, non-toxic single use diapers are a good middle ground for parents without the time to spend maintaining reusable cloth ones.

Many eco-friendly products represent an increased cost, but lighting is one area where you can actually save money. Making the switch from halogen bulbs to LEDs comes at very little cost and will save you a lot of money in the long run. LEDs provide the same level of light at only 10% of the energy consumption of halogens. 

While eco-friendly options are usually more expensive, they are well worth it for parents who can afford them.

They are usually of higher quality, meaning you’ll get more life out of them, while also reducing your impact on the environment. Furthermore, they are usually free from VOCs and other toxic chemicals that may impact the health of your child over time.

Kylee Harris is an educator who has taught in elementary schools in Singapore and Hong Kong for 5 years. She lives in Florida and continues to teach life skills to young adults in her community. 

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