We at Ecosprout are extremely grateful to be able to partner with Adinkra Designs based in Ghana in Africa.
To help the good work of Adinkra and AYI, Ecosprout will be donating NZD$15 for every Moses Basket, Change Basket and Dolls Basket sold. The donation will go into an account to be transferred to support Adinkra Project and African Youth Initiative Centres (AYI).
Therefore, by purchasing one of these baskets, you too can be proud of supporting these projects and the wonderful community in Ghana.
Here, highly talented Artisans with skilful hands will hand craft our Moses baskets, Change Baskets, Dolls Baskets and Dog Beds. You will see that no two products are ever truly the same. Instead they are unique, special and different! You will find the beauty in knowing that each basket is lovingly made by hand and that there are imperfections, but we accept this as part of the individual beauty and character of the item.
You are not just buying an item made in Ghana Africa,; you are taking home a piece of Africa and your product has journeyed far!

These genuine Bolga baskets are exclusively woven by the indigenous Frafra people of Bolgatanga (known as Bolga) in Northern Ghana. For many generations, weaving has been a traditional skill. The infertile soil and harsh climate conditions in the area is not ideal for agricultural-based farming, so the people of Bolga have found alternate means of making a living through leather crafts, weaving and pottery.
There is some plant life that will grow in abundance in this region and that is elephant grass! This robust plant is harvested seasonally and prepared to produce a strong straw fibre that is dyed using traditional plant and non-toxic fabric dyes to produce the beautiful array of vibrant colours that the Bolga baskets are so famously renowned for.
All of Adinkra Bolga baskets are double woven to produce strong, flexible and durable products that will last a lifetime to be passed on to generations to come.
It can take several days for a weaver to complete a medium sized market basket – the Baby Moses Baskets can take up to 6 days to complete! There is a lot of skill, patience and love poured into each and every basket from Bolga!
Once the weaving is complete, any remaining bits of straw sticking out are carefully trimmed and the basket is then passed onto a leather worker to complete the handles which are mostly made with leather from goats.
Enjoy your basket’s beauty for all its little imperfections and be proud to know your purchase has made a difference in someone’s life.