I would much rather parents have this information readily available in a positive manner. This will avoid them going out and spending $200 on a baby carrier that they and their baby hates, that they then throw out and say babywearing isn’t for them, and never again do they pick up a carrier and give their baby extra cuddles in it. I would much rather them be aware that there are awesome options out there that can be super comfortable for hours on end and for years to come. This will enable them to provide close cuddles with their child day in and day out.
So next time you see someone using the term “crotch dangler” or saying how bad these carriers are, stop and tell them that cuddling a baby is never bad and we can always educate without shaming.
A mother’s mental health is of the utmost importance. Like, we all realise parents don’t ever try and intentionally cause harm to their child, right? They don’t intentionally use this carrier with a sign that says “please shame me”. Stop and take a minute to remember they are human and just trying to do their best, so maybe show them some love and admiration for the effort they are putting in.
Safety is always a priority. But the rest? Don’t sweat it. Inform with kindness and move on. That’s how we will see more parents enjoying safe, optimal, and comfortable babywearing. Not by scaring them away with judgement and rigid rules/expectations.
My job is to educate as best I can all the time and support parents. In the end, it’s their baby and they can decide how they parent and that’s okay. I invite you to do the same.
Originally published here.
Brooke Maree is a Babywearing Educator and mother of two based in Brisbane, Australia. She is passionate about parents finding joy and confidence in their roles by using a baby carrier or sling to make their lives easier. An expert in her field, she provides educational blogs, video tutorials, a monthly podcast, private consultations, and is soon launching an online program. Find out more about her services at www.brookemaree.com.au.