Empowering Wellbeing Through Accessible, Authentic & Family-Friendly Natural Skincare

Shine Om Natural

Shine Om Natural founder Rachel Whytcross curates natural self-care products that will make you shine from the inside out. She is passionate about offering handcrafted, natural skincare products that are not only safe for your skin but safe for your entire family. She is committed to keeping toxic substances far away from Shine Om Natural products, and sourcing the finest high-quality ingredients in Australia. Here she talks to The Natural Parent Magazine about the inspiration behind her business, how she balances work and family life, the challenges she has overcome, and her hopes and dreams for the future.

The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?

Shine Om Natural‘s inspiration began as a quest for genuine, natural skincare. I struggled to find affordable, authentic, 100% natural skincare products with ingredients I could pronounce without scouring markets. As a busy woman, I didn’t have the time to read and translate ingredients, and I realised there was a gap in the market for the level of authenticity I was craving. So, I took matters into my own hands and created a product range that prioritises purity and trust.

Growing up, my mum taught me the value of self-care through healthy skincare routines. We spent our weekends crafting organic skincare products in our kitchen. Shine Om Natural is a journey of personal and familial connection and the desire to offer a reliable natural skincare brand that is safe for the whole family.  

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning? 

When Shine Om Natural began, I was a teacher, and I witnessed a concerning surge in stress and anxiety among children, along with the growing pressure on parents to support their kids with limited resources. I reflected on what self-care practices promoted my mental and emotional well-being. Then, I brought these transformative practices into the classroom. I began introducing essential oils, room sprays and massage oils as an anchor for mindfulness and meditation. 

These products became pivotal in my journey. Every day, my class and I embraced mindfulness and meditation with my products, and after lunch, we indulged in relaxation. Introducing my Calm The Farm Room Spray, accessible to children as needed, became a soothing addition to our routine. 

Witnessing the positive changes in my students, their families, and myself, I noticed a profound transformation. The children started self-regulating, using essential oils and yoga techniques to connect with themselves and others, fostering focus and making mindfulness an integral part of their daily routine.

Shine Om Natural became a platform to share the wisdom acquired from life and training, aiming to build a community of mindful and connected individuals from early childhood to adulthood. The brand’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of mindfulness, yoga, self-care and natural skincare, intertwining education and well-being in a harmonious blend that continues to shine brightly.

The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business? 

The most pivotal breakthrough was the fusion of mindfulness and creating my products, making their intended purpose to promote self-care and relaxation in homes for all family members. Recognising that parents have enough on their plates, I aim to offer a brand where children can independently access and trust our products. This inclusive approach became a cornerstone in developing my product range, ensuring that the benefits of our skincare extended to every generation.

Teaching families the power of self-care using my products as tools has helped me be intentional with my brand’s vision of empowering well-being across all ages. This breakthrough enhanced my understanding of the transformative impact of my products. Also, it solidified Shine Om Natural as a brand that champions accessible, authentic, and family-friendly natural skincare.

Winning the SHE-com Editor’s Choice Award in 2023 for our essential oil blends was a moment of validation, adding a stamp of authenticity to our already outstanding products. This recognition underscored our commitment to excellence in crafting essential oils that stand out in the market.

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?

Balancing the intricate dance between work and family life has been a journey of self-discovery. The desire to be the best for everyone all the time is a common struggle. Still, I’ve found solace and balance through the products I’ve crafted for Shine Om Natural. I rely on these products to keep me calm, grounded and focused. 

Being a toddler mum adds an extra layer of complexity. Filling up my cup is crucial amid the chaos of parenthood and business demands. Following my self-care practices is a grounding force that allows me to focus on what truly matters. 

It’s not always easy, but acknowledging and confronting the infamous “mum guilt” has been transformative. Understanding that taking care of myself first is not selfish but necessary has allowed me to embrace that a fulfilled, grounded mum is better equipped to be the best version of herself for her family and business.

Releasing the burden of high expectations has been a pivotal realisation.  Acknowledging that I am doing the best I can, both as a mum, wife and entrepreneur, helps to dissolve the pressure of perfection. Embracing the ebb and flow of work and family life and being organised across all areas has become a mindful practice that revolves around self-care, realistic expectations, and an understanding that balance lies in accepting and embracing the imperfections of the journey.

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