At Your Mindful Mama, Jules Coffey and Claire Groot share a passion to nurture women through the magical time of pregnancy and birth, with the cultivation of compassion, support, mindfulness and holistic health practises. They believe that birth is instinctual and with the right tools and information, you can have a positive birth, or feel empowered to create your ideal birth space, no matter what type of birth you have. Their unique planner combines all the organisational must-haves when planning for a baby, paired with holistic and empowering information to help guide women through pregnancy, birth and the important fourth trimester. Here they talk to The Natural Parent Magazine about the inspiration behind Your Mindful Mama, how they balance work and family time, and their hopes and dreams for the future.
The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?
Two mamas and best friends of 20 years decided to get together and create a holistic and empowering space for pregnant mamas. Jules Coffey and Claire Groot saw a gap in the birthing industry when it comes to holistic and natural pregnancy, and birth information. Both Jules and Claire have drawn upon their own pregnancy and birth experiences to help create the Your Mindful Mama brand, as well as a community which hopes to empower women. With 5 children between them, they wanted to have everything they wished they knew and more, all in one (beautifully linen-bound) place. They created not only an informative and practical planner, but also one that is interactive, and a beautiful keepsake to have forever.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?
We launched in November 2022 after 3 years of development. Creating the perfect product took a lot longer than we imagined! It’s certainly been a learning curve for both of us when it comes to setting up an online store, finding the perfect manufacturer, deciphering shipping and managing things that go wrong.
The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?
We’re both knowledgeable of the social media space, but the e-commerce realm is a whole new world. Our biggest breakthrough would be figuring out what strategies work for our business the best. Google shopping was a big one for us! We also did our first One Fine Baby Expo this year, which was great exposure and the perfect way to interact with the community we have built.

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?
It’s certainly tricky balancing work and family but we’ve got a roster system where we rotate days of who does the orders and who does emails and social media posts. We both understand that family always comes first, so sometimes that means spending the day with a sick child and then logging on to do emails, etc., after dinner time when the kids are in bed.