With a career as a flight attendant allowing her to travel and explore the world, Hanny took the opportunity to photograph the amazing places she visited and the people she saw along the way. She was able to turn this passion into a business while at home on maternity leave with her son and The Everyday You by Hanny Bobanny was born.
The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?
I had been working as a flight attendant for the past 11 years. Flying all over the world and exploring all types of cities, both big and small, and not just major hubs like New York, I was also spending many days in places as far flung as the remote desserts of Urumqi, China. Through all my layovers and days off, I really loved photographing the people and places I was visiting, and I started to develop a sense of style that I felt was uniquely my own. However, it wasn’t until the birth of my son and spending his first two years of life on maternity leave that I began to dream of taking photography from a passion to a business. Through documenting his birth and all the little nuances that come with raising a family, both father and son… I really dug into my style and started to catch the attention of many young families in Taipei. These are what inspired me to start my own photography business.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?
Well, in all honesty, I am at the beginning. I have been taking paid jobs for only one year, and I am still navigating the client-photographer relationship. I am learning how to properly present myself and the images that I create, as well as maintain a strong client relation(friend)ship with the people I work with. Throughout the past year I have done shoots with many friends, and then friends of friends, and I am now working with a collective of young, independent-minded and creative women in Taipei.

The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?
Shooting people other than my family. I know my family and I know how to shoot them, learning how to quickly identify the beauty in people that I am unfamiliar with, and capturing them in a way that shows them honestly and they also like the image. Also, figuring out how to apply my style to different people.