Goodbye Germs; Hello Style & Comfort

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?

The biggest challenge I experienced was Covid. I was swamped. Everyone wanted a trolley cover for their baby, which was understandable. It took a toll on me mentally and physically. But my family all stepped up and while they couldn’t sew, they took over things like cooking, cleaning and making sure I went to bed. Thankfully that all feels like a distant memory and I’m back loving what I do.

One of the other challenges has been keeping up with the ever-changing designs of shopping trolleys. Just when I think I’ve nailed the pattern, supermarkets decide to switch things up! I’ve learned to always have a tape measure, pen, and paper handy. I’ll create a prototype at home, then head back to the stores to ensure it fits perfectly. Additionally, staying in tune with the evolving preferences of new mums, whether it’s leaning towards earthy neutrals, soft pastels, or vibrant bold colours, has been another ongoing task.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?

On the bright side, I adore what I do, and my passion for it hasn’t faded even after all this time. On the flip side, staying on top of social media platforms and navigating the ever-changing algorithms to managing a business from home – it’s a constant balancing act. While I’m deeply invested in my work and the joy it brings, there’s also the challenge of finding that delicate balance between work and family life, knowing when to power down the machines and fully engage with my loved ones.

Making time for myself is still something I struggle with often, putting myself last.

Hopes and dreams: What next?

My plan is to keep growing and evolving with No More Nasties. I can’t imagine saying goodbye to it anytime soon. I still have plenty of years ahead to sit down and sew, fuelled by my unwavering passion for what I do. From cherishing my business to delighting in every customer interaction, creating quality products, and relishing the entire process from orders to packaging to shipping-it’s a journey I adore. As for what’s next, well it all depends on how frequently those shopping trolley designers decide to switch things up!

Visit the No More Nasties website to find out more, and connect with them on Facebook and Instagram.

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