Healing Prolapse: Your Unique, Holistic Healing Journey

Having prolapse, as it turns out, was one of my life’s biggest blessings. How can that be? Because it made me stop and listen. It made me stop and focus on understanding what was out of alignment physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It gave me the gift of a huge reality check. It enabled me deeper insight into who I really am and what I came here to do.

As I was rebounding this weekend, I held deep gratitude in my heart for the wake-up call my body gave me. The message it sent me to say, “hey, enough is enough”. While I can now do all of the physical things I only dreamt of during the prolapse years, I now do those physical things with an intense sense of presence and gratitude for how wise and all-knowing my body is.

If we give our body, our mind and our soul what it needs, then anything is possible. Our body IS wise beyond measure. We have simply been lied to and believed it.

What is possible for you and your body this week? Ask the question aloud and see what drops into your consciousness. But above all, work on being deeply grateful for where you’re at, with an understanding that nothing ever stays the same. Nourish yourself holistically, have patience and be the watcher of your experiences and how they affect you emotionally. Then, ask yourself what these emotions are really telling you. There is often a message – we just need to truly listen.

What is the best remedy or exercise for healing prolapse? 

The healing process, by its very nature, isn’t specific to one moment, one remedy or one modality. In a dedicated holistic approach to healing, each plays its role. We don’t always need to know how it works or why it works. The key is to support the mind, body and spirit with what it is telling you it needs. Then, trust.

There are definitely beneficial supplements, modalities and habits. These are covered in Healing Prolapse: Where to Begin. And, as I say to all women, take what resonates and leave the rest. The healing process truly begins when we act on our individual needs, not when we take on a blanket approach that is advertised as a one size fits all. Healing prolapse will never be a “one size fits all”.

Why are emotions so important in the prolapse healing journey? 

Emotion is ENERGY IN MOTION. To suppress what we feel is a blocking up or PUSHING DOWN of this energy. The breath, interwoven with international movement of the body, is an excellent way to put the energy of emotions in action. A stagnant body cannot release effectively. Move according to your own body’s rhythm and needs, not how you *think* you ought to move. 

Most women hold onto past hurts and traumas, not realising these are impacting her physically in a very real way, showing up as symptoms. Symptoms don’t just show up out of thin air. Sometimes, oftentimes, they are the result of years of suppression and an unwillingness to look at our pain. It’s when we decide to face the traumas and move through the pain, regardless of how uncomfortable it is. That’s when we begin to experience change on every level. The physical will soon respond in a positive way. 

Where can women find more information? 

There is further information on my website at www.shannondunn.com. I recently did an interview with integrative maternity expert and multiple bestselling author, Kathy Fray, on the International Integrated Maternal Health Care Organisation (IIMHCO) Maternity Natural Health Webinar. It’s an hour-long chat with Kathy, in which we talk about my prolapse story, how I healed, how I approached my healing and how other women can become their own guru to activate their own unique healing. You can watch it here.

Where can women buy your books? 

The paperback and PDF editions can be found on my website at www.shannondunn.com/shop and also on Amazon here and here, Barnes and Noble here and here. There is a limited edition gold spiral-bound copy of Healing Prolapse: 100+ Affirmations for Your Journey Within that is available exclusively on my website. 

What is one message you’d like to leave with all women who might be suffering with prolapse? 

Trust yourself. When you learn to do that, everything begins to fall into place because you receive the answers you need to hear most. You are powerful beyond measure. You may just not realise it yet. 

Find out more by visiting the Healing Prolapse website. You can also join their supportive communities on Facebook and Instagram.

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