Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?
My two children now go to a beautiful natural learning / democratic school in North Queensland which has freed up plenty more time for my business. Prior to this my children were home with me, as I was homeschooling. I have to admit, it was a challenge balancing the day between them, my husband and my business.
I did come up with creative ways to fit bits of work in and I definitely had to push through the “I’ll do it later” thoughts, but with the help of a business coach, I have now developed a much-needed daily business action plan!
I also love the outdoors – spending a lot of time adventuring and rock climbing and I always make sure that I take the time to incorporate physical training into each day, as it keeps my energy levels up and motivation high.
The Drive: What challenges have you overcome?
The biggest challenge that I had to learn to accept and almost fall in love with, was the feeling of uncertainty and the unknown. Having no business experience prior to launching the game, I had to learn mostly by trial and error.
When I first had the idea to create the game, I launched into designing the images of the game myself, spending hours each evening working on it – only to find one day that my computer crashed, and I lost everything!
I clearly remember resigning to fact that the idea was over. Three months later and after having moved interstate with my family, the idea was reignited and it all just fell into place better than what I could have ever imagined! The lesson I took from this – things always happen for a reason and to always trust the process.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?
Pros – I love having my own business for the flexibility it provides for my family and the adventure lifestyle that I love.
I love that I get to be creative and share my passion with the world. Every day it pushes me out of my comfort zone and encourages me to grow in all aspects of my life.
Cons – Starting my own business has definitely been challenging and some days very tiring mentally. To some degree there is always a level of extra uncertainty – however the pros definitely outweigh the cons.
Hopes and dreams: What next?
This year is certainly an exciting time for Healthy Little Eaters, with the soon to be released animation. I hope to see all kindergartens and primary schools throughout Australia and New Zealand using Healthy Little Eaters as a resource for educators and children.
The game is also set to be turned into a children’s story book and accompanied by other programs and high quality and trustworthy resources that empower and educate children on the benefits of healthy eating and mindfulness.
This is also an exciting year for my personal brand and life coaching. I hope to inspire many more people to follow their own dreams and discover the power of letting go and trusting.
Publishing my first book will be a huge accomplishment, as will sharing my experience in the presence of others who have also changed their lives in small or large ways.
For more information and to start your child’s healthy eating journey, visit the Healthy Little Eaters website, or find them on Facebook or Instagram. You can also contact Kate Pearce directly at kate@katelouisepearce.com.