Heartfelt Cards to Celebrate The Journey of Motherhood

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?

Challenges are opportunities in disguise. Reframing has been a practice that has helped me see things differently, which opens opportunities, even in difficult situations. A lot of pressure we put on ourselves is a choice and our mindset can be our most powerful asset or our biggest barrier. We get the opportunity to increase our awareness about what we want or don’t want, and that information helps us make better decisions next time, which is how we learn and grow. 

The birth of my son was a challenge (placental abruption, emergency c-section and postpartum hemorrhage) but without it and the awareness that followed, I wouldn’t have started this business and had the impact I have had. Another “challenge” has been understanding the shift in my values, priorities and identity since becoming a mother. With a rebirth comes discomfort as emotions or memories surface and ask to be experienced from a different perspective. It was tricky learning to feel those feelings and work through what was coming up for me, but it was pivotal in showing myself compassion and knowing I was worthy of becoming an evolved version of myself. 

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?

Pro: everything is your decision. Con: everything is your decision. But really! I absolutely love the freedom of running my own business and choosing where I invest my time and energy. Although 9-5s can give structure and certainty, I’ve learnt that nothing really is certain in this life so why not play the game and roll the dice if you’re passionate about what you want to do? 

Hopes and dreams: What next?

I’m currently studying the only ICF-recognised coaching program that focusses on the ground-breaking insight of Matrescence so I can better support mothers through their motherhood journey. I’m also a Reiki practitioner and have added this service to my product-based business. I will continue to grow my offerings to best support and honour women’s motherhood journeys. 

I would love to see my cards stocked internationally and more people thinking differently and talking openly about motherhood and the support women need. I also plan to expand my advocacy work and I’m currently working with the NSW government to pilot a fourth trimester program which will empower women to enter motherhood informed and supported.

Visit the Motherhood Milestones website to find out more and browse their products. You can also follow them on Facebook and Instagram

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