An Arrival
The baby is here, in the womb, resting in the family. The soul in form. The baby body growing. The communication between Mama and baby is alive, vibrant.. in active expression. The baby in this womb, this core space of the family, is showing who they are now. Teeny tiny cellular information that has a nourishing, unfurling growth through itself, through Mama, through family. This is a clear, landed baby, stretching into life.
We can learn so much now. There is an opening, a quiet but active lean-in to the baby’s story. Who this baby is, has a flourish of expression in every second. This little one is showing you what they need, and how to listen.. a simple cell-to-cell settling that gives this baby a voice to tell their tale, teach us their ins and outs, and the detail of their physicality, their personality.. how their soul embodiment is finding its groove.
A Connection
This expression has a dynamic biochemistry, a dynamic cellular growth pattern, that builds their little body from a stunning base. It is a clear blood-to-blood, cell-to-cell communication with everyone around. The soul-physics – the actual substance of this baby’s form in fluid – is gifting new and constantly evolving information of family growth.

A Nourish
Simply sitting in awareness with this little one can gift an understanding about this baby and the life they are creating. There is blood biochemistry with detail of what this baby needs in each moment. The nourish from, to and through these two beings getting to know each other at the placental level is the same in both directions. In the listening – the information exchange – it is possible to know what is physically needed in terms of food-nourish, physical-nourish, emotional-nourish and the entire life-nourish of this family. The understanding is what ‘nourish’ is in all its definitions in an active physical listening.