Even though there were times of great stress, the cyclic nature of the seasons and food availability, and the more relaxed pace of life, meant that weight problems were non-existent.
But today, it’s all about working long hours, juggling multiple pressures, and continually being bombarded by news of stressful world and local events. And there are all manner of hormone disrupting, inflammatory ‘fake foods’ available to us 24/7. No wonder it’s so difficult to stay in a healthy weight range!
Conversely, when you’re happy and relaxed and consistently choosing foods that work best for your body’s unique needs, healing hormones flood your system, damping down inflammation and making it easier to maintain a healthy weight.
The human body is complex and each person is unique
We all respond in our own way to different foods and life’s challenges, which is why a ‘one-size fits all’ approach doesn’t work! What’s needed is a solution that takes into account your needs, your health, your circumstances and your food preferences.
Our clients consistently experience multiple health improvements including better sleep, less body pain, healthier blood pressure and improved glucose control. They also love the food freedom they have when they discover how to eat the right way for their unique body without feeling hungry!

If you’d like to learn how to get back in control of your health, enjoy more energy and lose weight quickly and easily (especially from your problem areas), we’d love to help!
Grab your complimentary consultation!
For a limited time we are offering a complimentary consultation with one of our experienced coaches. We’ll discuss your weight history, health and current lifestyle, and you’ll finish this call feeling empowered and with an action plan!
And if we think the Miraculoss programme could be right for you, we’ll send you some eye-opening information that will leave you feeling very excited.
Let’s get together for a chat so we can help you solve this.
Go ahead and book your free consultation by clicking here.
Here’s what one of our recent clients had to say:
“Where do I start? With the help of my Miraculoss coach I’ve lost 36 kilos. Before starting the programme I could hardly walk up stairs without a lot of puffing and now it’s easy. I’ve got more energy for my children and I’ve even been down a water slide with my kids for the first time. I feel happier and more relaxed, and my husband tells me I smile more often. I feel so well and life feels so much easier now! Looking back, I wasn’t aware of all the ways my weight was affecting my life and how it was impacting my family. But now I’m showing my kids how to live a healthy energised life! I’m so glad I reached out for help and took the plunge.” ~ Maria P.
To find out more, head over to the Miraculoss website and join their communities on Facebook and Instagram.