Love and healing through music and meditation

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family? 

Jus: We’ve both been in roles in the past where we have worked in that real striving way and felt burnt out often. When we started Foxy, we were very clear about the type of business we wanted to create. We wanted it to support our role as mums, not be another stress in our lives. We put family first. If one of our kids are sick or needs more support from us, we just don’t work. If we’re feeling tired or run down, we really take the pressure off. We just believe the medicine will get out to more people if we are ‘feeling good.’  

Shell: Our weekly class is our place that we ‘top up’ too, get away from our busy lives as mums: dance, drink cacao… we always have the intention that if it’s not fun or making us feel good, it’s the wrong way. Sometimes we don’t have the balance, things come up, but we are grateful that we have each other, we talk everything out, create flexibility and make sure our family is always our priority. 

Jus: Yeah, every time we feel anything heavy – fear, doubt, stress, pressure – we just talk it out. Sometimes you just need to voice your fear and have it heard, and it goes away. We move though that stuff pretty quickly because we just feel the greater vision…. We really just need to get out of the way. I guess we are really clear about designing a business from the feminine perspective; based on intuition, and seasons and listing to guidance… not go go go go go. 

Shell: It’s not always easy cause we’re pretty conditioned to do things in a masculine way… we’re always pulling each other up on it.   

The drive: What challenges have you overcome? 

Shell: Probably the tech side and the inner doubt have been our 2 biggest challenges.  

Jus: Yeah, I’ve got literally no clue when it comes to the tech and I just get really overwhelmed and freeze! We learnt pretty quickly that we need outside help with that or nothing was going to get done. I think that’s an important quality of running a business in the feminine way – you just can’t do it all by yourself and it’s good to get support. I’m also a little anti social media, but to share our message I’ve needed to overcome my fears associated with being seen and sharing.   

Shell: I don’t love being on video so that’s been a challenge for me… we’ve got some pretty good bloopers that we’ll share one day! Hahaha  

Jus: Oh! And we have 5 billion ideas that we want to create so we never feel like we have enough time. Haha  

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business? 

Shell: The pros would be the flexibility, it’s way more fun than any other job I’ve had (Jus: Me too!), we can create what our hearts and soul are guiding us to do, we get to create our own rhythm, and we get to help others in ways that fuel us. 

Jus: And I guess the cons are that there is never a cut-off point to switch off. Because we love it so much, we merge our work time into our own time so the lines get blurry.  

Hopes and dreams: What next? 

Jus: We want to continue building our village. So far, we have courses for pregnant mums and women but we want to keep expanding that to support men, couples, kids and communities.  

Shell: We have a dream too to play at festivals. Having huge groups of people experience our combination of sound and meditation. We also have a list a mile long of all the new instruments we want to buy! 

Learn more about Foxy Feelgood on their website or join their communities on Facebook and Instagram

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