Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?
With difficulty! Both me and my husband, who runs Milkeaze with me, are doctors. I am an Obstetrics and Gynae doctor so spend most of my time deep in the world of mothers and babies. Between the shift work, Milkeaze, and our most important jobs – being mum and dad to our 2 gorgeous kids, we don’t get a lot of down time. This is where our family and friends come in. Thankfully, we are lucky to have an amazing support network who love our kids and share our vision, and help us with both when we need them to. Quality over quantity is our motto and we make sure every family dinner, bedtime routine and trip to the park is special.

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?
I learnt to use instagram! Okay seriously though, anyone who knows a doctor knows most of us don’t know much about anything outside of medicine. We basically had to learn everything about developing a product, and owning and running a business from scratch. It has been an amazing journey. We have learnt so much, met some amazing people, made some mistakes, picked ourselves back up and developed resilience along the way.
For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?
The pros are that we have complete control over the vision and ethos. Our goal of serving new mums is laser focused. We design our business practices around that in a way that bigger businesses with bigger agendas probably can’t.
A con is that we take everything personally! Milkeaze is our baby and when a box gets damaged in the post, or a customer experiences a manufacturing fault, it feels like a personal failure. We just want it to be perfect for all the women who join the Milkeaze fam.

Hopes and dreams: What next?
We are so excited to have a heap of new things on the horizon. We want to continue providing clever solutions for mums, and that will always be our primary aim. I can’t say much more right now, as things are still in development, but watch this space. Also, people can follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date with what’s coming.
Visit the Milkeaze website to see their range of products. You can also follow their journey on Facebook and Instagram.