One Big Mistake Mums Make

And what ends up happening is that this constant striving leaves us feeling DRAINED. And even worse, we wind up feeling completely lost. Like “Who the hell is that woman staring back at me in the mirror?”

Have you ever had that moment when someone asks you what you do for hobbies or for fun and you honestly can’t think of anything? Or you talk about things you USED to do but haven’t done in ages?

Well, I’ve been there!

Putting yourself last on the priority list might be OK for a short wee while after the birth of your newborn but if we continue on this way, we simply aren’t serving ANYONE. Not ourselves, and even worse, not our children (and wasn’t it THEM that we were doing all this for in the first place?)

Trust me, I understand how hard it can be to eek out a few moments in the day to remember yourself, to do what you love, to practice true self-care. But this is something that CANNOT be put off!

It isn’t a matter of AM I going to do something for ME – it’s a matter of WHEN am I going to do something for me.

Because, as the saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup!

Anne Cullen is passionate about supporting and educating women in the early years of their mothering journey so that they can truly enjoy parenting and their babies grow up feeling safe and understood. She uses her broad range of knowledge and experience in responsive parenting and well-being to guide mothers to a place of feeling confident and empowered. Anne has a Bachelor of Arts degree with majors in Sociology/Anthropology; Family Resources; and Education and is an Advanced MAP Practitioner and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. She has worked with families and children for over 25 years in various roles around the United States and New Zealand where she currently resides with her husband and two beautiful boys.

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