In fact, we need to be stronger than before, because there is simply so much more lifting: babies, capsules and strollers. It’s endurance training to the maximum.
Most doctors are not exercise therapists let alone postnatal rehab specialists, and it’s easy to claim that kegels are the answer to effective postnatal recovery because it’s what’s always been said.
Think of it like this…you have this awful nagging daily recurring headache. Do you take the Band-Aid approach and simply pop a daily Panadol – not exactly healthy or finding the root cause? OR, do you take a look at your emotional state (stress), hydration (are you drinking enough water), or whether your neck is tight and the vertebrae are cramped due to the habitual way you carry baby? Whatever we treat “holistically” must begin with finding the root cause and treating the whole condition. It’s much the same with postnatal recovery.
So mamas – take the time to connect with your centre, re-align with your core, and choose the right exercise postpartum that will get you looking and feeling good, hitting the netball courts, confident again sexually, and kissing goodbye accidental leaks…for good.
Simone de Cunha is a Kiwi mother of 1 and certified fitness, pre/postnatal and rehab instructor with 20+ years-experience. Her passion for working with postnatal women culminated in the creation of Mum to the Core. You will also find her on Facebook and Instagram.