Protect Your Family With Clean, Safe Drinking Water


Having returned from overseas, Natasha Hall was inspired to bring innovative products that she had seen on her travels into New Zealand. With a dislike of unfiltered water, she started her research and discovered the importance of removing harmful contaminants and pollutants from drinking water. She started selling Fill2Pure products full time back in 2010, allowing her customers to discover new, economical, and innovative ways to get safe and clean water anywhere they go. Using Fill2Pure is not only better for your health, but also the environment. Their bottles help reduce single-use plastic and, with their replacement filters, can be used again and again for years to come. Here, Natasha talks to The Natural Parent Magazine about the passion behind her business and her hopes and dreams for the future.

The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?  

When I returned from living overseas for a few years after graduating university, we decided to set up our own business bringing innovative products we had seen overseas to New Zealand. I never used to enjoy drinking water at all, and then I realised I just didn’t enjoy drinking unfiltered water, and once I started researching it more, I saw how important it was for your health to remove as many contaminants as possible, and how so many people are dehydrated. I am also passionate about the environmental aspect of our products, how they can assist reducing single-use plastic bottles being used, and that our filters can be replaced so you can use the same bottle for many years to come.  

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?  

This is my second business I started from scratch. I found out about our products from a business acquaintance and friend in New York who I had worked with, with my previous business. She told me the supplier was looking for someone for the NZ and Australian markets. I flew to the USA to meet with the inventor in 2008 and then launched the products at an Expo in Auckland the same year to test the market. That was very successful, and I was already in the process of selling my first business, so in 2010 I started selling Fill2Pure products full time. I chose their products because their filters are made in the USA under strict requirements, and they have high quality materials such as 304 Stainless Steel and BPA-free non leaching plastic. They are also independently tested. 

The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?  

My biggest breakthrough was seeing the business grow and winning a business award which was Winner of Best Importer of the year USA from the American Chamber of Commerce in New Zealand in 2012.  

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?  

To be honest, it was easier when my son was a young baby as I have struggled over the past few years, especially with Covid and lockdowns – and I know many others have too. But in order to keep some balance, we don’t talk about work on the weekends or outside of work hours.  

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