Reconnect With The Wild Woman Within

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?  

I live my life in tune with the natural cycles and seasons of the earth in both a micro and a macro way. In a micro way I allow the moon and the rhythm of my menstrual cycle to guide me each month.  

When I am close to bleeding and the moon is dark in the sky, I go inward and slow down, just like winter. I don’t plan meetings or big events for this time of the month because I am inward and this is my time to connect with my body and to receive messages from my highest self. This is time for creative connection with myself and my son.  

After my bleed and the energy starts to expand just like spring, I venture out and do more things, I have a few meetings, I plan a podcast. I enjoy being out with my family. The moon is building towards the full moon.  

As I am approaching ovulation, the moon is full in the sky. This is the summertime of my month and I am the most expanded version of myself for the month. I go out, I plan events, I go on play dates with my son, and I enjoy intimacy in large amounts because it is when I have the most energy.   

After my egg has been released and I am beginning the descent back towards my bleed, I slow down a little. I take a few less appointments. I connect with my family. This is the autumn time of my month.  

This is a micro and monthly version of living my life in balance and in accordance, however there is also a macro version. There is a winter, spring, summer and autumn season both physical and metaphorical. Each project launch goes through these cycles.   

It can seem complicated to get your head around living your life in this way, however after a decade of doing so, it has become a very organic process for me and not something that I need to think about.   

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?  

The biggest challenges that I have overcome are staying motivated after being rejected over and over and over again. The continual setbacks have been exhausting. Believing in my vision and trusting myself when I was told countless times that my vision was not marketable or that it had no legs.   

It would have been so much easier just to pack it all in and say well I did try; I gave it a really good crack, but I just can’t do it anymore. Even though quitting would have been easier, I believed in my vision 100 percent and I knew that I had the ability to see what others were unable to see; it was just going to take time.  

I am no quitter and I have come to learn that some projects and businesses work on their own divine time and no matter how hard you try, you just cannot force things to go any other way. Whenever I have been able to surrender to the divine timing of this business and allow things to eventuate on its own timeline, I have never needed to push. When the time is right, things flow effortlessly like there is a grace to things that feels almost ethereal.   

Why my time is so different to divine time, well I still don’t have the answer to that.  

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?  

I am a freedom seeker in every sense of the word. A complete rebel of light who refuses to live my life by the rules of others. I was never led into society’s box of what you should do. The thought of only getting 4 weeks holiday per year and working 5 full days per week makes me feel sick to the stomach, it always has.  

I know for some people, they love the security of a full-time job and knowing that they will earn a certain amount of money every single week, however at 43 years old, I have never lived my life this way. The restraints of this way of life do not appeal to me.  

I travel when I want to travel. I take time off when I want to take time off and I prioritise a life of freedom. I choose to be available when my family or friends need me or when my soul needs a sabbatical. This means working for myself has been the only way to go for my entire life.   

The pros of working for myself are limitless, however they centre around doing what I love and having the freedom to make choices my way.   

For me, the cons are very small and are centred around everything falling on my shoulders and not being certain how much money I am going to make each week or year. Am I going to be able to support my family or even have enough money in the bank to take extended holidays or time off?   

So far, the universe has always had my back when it comes to these cons.  

Hopes and dreams: What next?  

To film the documentary series, Surf The Wild Woman, and release the series to the public.  

Release a Surf The Wild Woman App complete with surf forecasting, health and wellbeing, menstrual charting and fitness.   

Write a book that has been nudging at me for a few years now.  

Visit the Surf The Wild Woman website to find out more. You can also join Belle’s supportive communities on Facebook and Instagram.

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