Safety, Support & Positive Affirmations

Dreamy Hollow

Leticia Sparks is on a mission to help and support mums to believe in themselves and their intuition, and to help children feel safe, loved and heard. She is passionate about providing babies and children with safe spaces where they can grow, and she has unwavering faith in the power of words and the ability we have to bring them to life. She loves affirmations and mantras and sees them as a simple yet powerful way to make dreams come true, not just for our children, but for us too. Dreamy Hollow is a magical online store offering beautiful affirmation cards for pregnancy, mamas and children. Here, Leticia talks to The Natural Parent Magazine about the passion behind her business, how she navigates the work-family balance, and her hopes and dreams for the future.

The passion: What inspired you to set up your business? 

I wanted to help ignite the intuition inside of every mama out there, supporting them to follow the person that knows best about motherhood: themselves! My business evolved from this passion of wanting to provide encouragement to new parents. 

Image credit: Aleesha Caitlan Photography
The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?  

I decided on a soft launch so there were no bells and whistles to start with. Originally, my business was centred around babies’ sleep and sensory comforts, which changed as time went on and I realised my calling was to help children of all ages feel loved, safe and seen.

The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?  

Honestly, I think it had to be when I received my first wholesale enquiry. I hadn’t even entertained the idea that other businesses might be wanting to share the same message as me. It was almost like a confirmation from the universe, telling me that the messaging behind my affirmation cards will be received and spread.

Image credit: Aleesha Caitlan Photography
Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family? 

I could describe our weeks as blissful chaos! My time is made up of work, childcare, self-care days for me, and family home days where we only do mindful activities as a family. The balance comes from connection: connection with my children, my partner, our family and myself. Even connection with our pets. So long as we are focusing on our connections, the rest of life unfolds.

See next page for more…
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