Say goodbye to poor sleep, stress, anxiety and overwhelm

The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business? 

Investing in myself and my mind!!! Learning mind mastery through my training as a Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Master Practitioner, has helped every aspect of my business. I highly recommend it for business owners, and everyone for that matter. When you master your mind, you master your life. 

If you are interested to learn more about how NLP can specifically help you, book a free coaching call or check out for more info on my coaching packages  

For Better or Worse: What are the pros & cons of running a business? 

Running your own business requires discipline. This can be both a pro and a con. It’s been challenging as I have had to learn how to become more organised and accountable to myself. But I have had tremendous personal growth because I have had to train my brain differently to adopt more helpful habits. 

What’s really great is having complete autonomy of my schedule, what value I offer, where and how I conduct my business, learning heaps about myself every day, and building something that is mine.

Not as awesome is being entirely responsible when you are doing all the roles, although I will outsource some of these as my business grows. Working from home and for yourself can often interfere with your personal life. Although there’s flexibility with work hours, often you can be working long hours on admin or on a project unpaid. And working long unregular hours can take time away from family if unchecked. This is where discipline also needs to be well exercised.

The Drive: What Are The Biggest Challenges Have You Overcome? 

Believing I am worthy and good enough. That was super tough! Ultimately the biggest challenge has been me! Learning how to get out of my own way, reprograming self-sabotaging behaviour and limiting unhelpful self-talk is really where a lot of the work has been.  

Building your resilience muscles is not just about becoming immune to stress but accepting that the challenges are never done. Welcoming the challenge as opportunity to step up into a greater version of yourself. To truly love and care for others I’ve had to learn to love and care for myself. Doing the inner work to “exercise” helpful thinking and to maintain a healthy mind everyday has taken a lot of practice, falling off the wagon and getting back on again.  

Having respect for the goals I set for myself and honouring them takes commitment to yourself. It builds respect and trust in your ability to get done what needs to be done. It’s where I’ve discovered a renewed love for myself. Failure has now become an amazing learning opportunity rather than a reason to give up. Failure is just feedback. Mastering my mindset has given me such gratitude for challenges, because through them I have had the most profound learnings. 

Finding my own tribe of mentors has helped adopt the mindset and skills I needed to overcome my challenges. It’s true that you become the average of the five people you spent most time and we are incredibly fortunate to have access to world class mentors due to online culture. No matter where you are in life, there is wisdom and support to be gained by those who have blazed the trial before you. 

Hopes and Dreams: What Next? 

My vision is to keep adding value to those mums out there wanting help overcoming unhelpful stress, anxiety and fatigue. Right now, I’m building a free community of women who want to lift each other up, get inspiration, create fun, and receive support.  

Come join us here in my SUPERCHARGE YO’SELF Facebook group and be part of the community. I will be posting regular content and jumping in there occasionally for free live coaching. Feel free to get in there, find out more and ask how I can further help you or someone you know. 

Looking to fast track your way to crushing unhelpful stress and beating fatigue, sooner rather than later, register for my 21 Day Supercharged Blueprint Online Program. I look forward to seeing you supercharged soon. 

Sara X 

To learn more or schedule a Free Coaching Call with Sara, visit and become part of the Uplift Health community on Facebook and Instagram. 

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