Self-Care and Mindfulness for Mums: Getting Behind the Buzz Words

In what ways can new parents be mindful?

“One of the reasons mindfulness is so great, especially for us time-poor parents, is that it’s available at any given moment. Whether it be by bringing your attention to your surroundings while feeding your baby, sipping slowly on a morning cup of tea and engaging all of your senses, or becoming aware of your thoughts and mood, and any pain or fatigue you might be feeling – parenting is filled with plenty of opportunities to be mindful.”


A simple but life-changing tool that will help you manage all the mayhem that comes with motherhood. The more you practice, the easier it will become. Promise!

1. Pause.

Set aside the thinking, the doing, the planning, the worrying, the busyness and become still and quiet.

2. Come back to your body.

Become aware of your body. Simply feel your body sitting, laying or standing where you are in this moment. Give your body permission to relax, to let go of any tension or worry. Feel the life in your body. As best you can.

3. Focus your whole attention on the fact that you’re breathing right now.

Notice where in your body you feel your breath more vividly – stomach, chest, throat or nostrils – this will be your anchor, the place to come back to over and over again every time you notice your attention wandering off.

You can say to yourself:
Breathing in, I am aware I am breathing in.
Breathing out, I am aware I am breathing out.

Remember this practice is about feeling rather than thinking.
It is a practice of no harm, so above all, be kind to yourself.
If you missed the last breath, don’t worry, you always have a new and fresh breath waiting for you.
You can start new and fresh right now.
Relax, you haven’t done anything wrong.
Just be here, with this breath, as best you can.
That is enough. YOU are enough.

For more on self-care and mindfulness for new parents, visit The Mindful Mum, where you will find plenty of great resources to get your started. You can also get your freebie self-care planner HERE.

Hannah Schenker is a freelance writer, editor and regular contributor to The Natural Parent Magazine. She lives with a touch of magic in Golden Bay, New Zealand.

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