This rhyming story is the second in a series of three, for children aged 4 years + and aims to nurture children’s imagination as well as a love for the simple wonders in life such as nature! Read it aloud to your child and enjoy. You can read the first one, Dandelion, HERE.
Silver Lining
By Michelle Wanasundera
Imagine a stretching sandy beach
with waves rolling in then out of reach.
You find a stick and begin to draw
the best picture anyone ever saw!
A castle! With windows, turrets and towers,
a moat, a drawbridge, surrounded by flowers!
So busy making your masterpiece
you miss the wave’s steady increase.
Oh no! Some flowers are washed away,
erased by incoming waves of the bay.
A masterpiece ruined! Turrets and towers gone too,
the door, the flowers, the windows – so few!
As the waves recede you breathe in and out slowly –
then see what’s left of your special drawing.
You always find disappointment’s silver lining
and once again you see it shining!
With most of the castle sadly gone
there remained a structure that stood and shone.
A house circled by flowers sweetly,
a home just right – for your family!
Masterpieces will come and go,
just like the waves rolling to and fro.
Disappointments come too, best to ride
along with the flow of life’s changing tide.

You can follow Michelle on her Facebook page and keep an eye out for her upcoming book!