Sunflower Love: The Power of Books for Young Children

Sunflower Love Author & Publisher

Denise Makeham lives in rural Australia and is a self-published author of engaging children’s books. She is a creative, energetic grandma who knows about the power of books for young children. Inspired by her grandchildren and their love for nature and the outdoors, she set out to create books that would encourage children to shut down their devices and explore their own backyard. Her fun, rhyming picture books teach valuable lessons about nature, self-reliance and responsibility. Here Denise talks to The Natural Parent Magazine about the passion behind Sunflower Love, her biggest breakthrough, and her hopes and dreams for the future.

The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?

I have always known how much my children and grandchildren enjoy and benefit from gardening, playing outside, and interacting with animals. Seeing their growth and happiness inspired me to create books that encourage children to turn off their devices and explore their own backyard. I drew inspiration from my garden, my veggie patch, my chooks, my dog and my grandchildren, and the beautiful illustrations reflect all of these.

I have written 3 rhyming picture books that young children can really engage with. These outdoor activities teach valuable lessons about nature, responsibility, and self-reliance, which I wish to share with the next generation through my books.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?

Never afraid of a challenge, and immensely proud and certain of my books, I embarked on a self-publishing journey. This side of the publishing world is growing rapidly, and it leaves the author with full creative control. It was a rapid learning curve, and so rewarding. I have now self published 3 books with more on the way. I created my publishing company “Sunflower Love” and write under my name “Denise Makeham”. 

The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?

Honestly, the biggest breakthrough was just how well received my books were. It is heartwarming to be sent photos of children with their “favourite” book, and get 5 star reviews from the parents. I now distribute to schools, libraries and many bookshops.

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?

I have the luxury of being retired, so can devote all my time to my new pursuit.

See next page for more…
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