Supporting Women to Embrace Pregnancy & Motherhood with Love & Trust

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?

We have experienced lots of technology changes and challenges as you would expect: software changes, storage issues and internet issues when recording webinars or podcasts. Our first two podcasts we recorded with two brilliant guests, but we played them back and the audio was terrible, so we changed how we were recording after that! We recorded our third podcast with a guest incorrectly and it didn’t save, so we had to tell the mumma we wasted her time. We had to change our branding and marketing after a few months due to miscommunication. Lots of the challenges have been mental, but these are the aspects that have also helped us grow so much, like asking women you look up to to help collaborate with you on the course content – some of those have been scary and we are sure will continue to be as we move more into this space!

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?

What we actually do with women is very rewarding, providing them with education, community and holding space for them – helping them invite ritual and ceremony into their daily life. We’ve got to see first hand the impact our course and monthly circles have on women and their birth experiences when they message us about the baby’s arrival! 

We can struggle to show up every single day with the same motivation. We like to approach our content in a feminine and authentic way, so if we aren’t feeling it, we wont show up that day. We’ll spend quality time with the family, have a sauna or do something for ourselves. 

Paying the bills and being in the red until the momentum takes over can be challenging. 

Hopes and dreams: What next?

We want to enrol 200 women into our course next year. 

We want to keep expanding our network of holistic practitioners – we love having these beautiful conversations and want the course reach to keep expanding, so we can keep helping more women. We also want to help more doulas and birth keepers educate their clients and help keep them calm – and not feel overburdened doing all the work themselves. 

We are working on a preconception course, a local south coast pregnancy half day retreat, and postpartum live webinars. We are also calling in some more incredible guest speakers for our podcast, we love our fortnightly podcast drops and want to be in as many ears as possible so we can support as many women as we can!

Visit the Nurtured Beginnings website to find out more and check out their podcast. You can also connect with them on Facebook and Instagram

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