Themed sleepover parties to create magical childhood memories

Making Memories

Seeing the joy that sleepovers brought her children, Petra Kukard loved the idea of producing something special and magical for them. She put her creativity into action and launched her business, Making Memories, offering incredible, themed slumber parties for any occasion.

The passion: What inspired you to set up your business? 

My children inspired me, I loved hosting sleepovers with their friends and cousins. I wanted to create something magical that all kids would never forget. Most of all I love love love to create. We have over 60 themes because of this. I want to offer every single option I can so every child gets their dream party and I get the pleasure of doing something different each weekend.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?  

I loved the beginning, choosing all the themes and the drive I had to bring together parties that are a piece of art. I worked so hard investing every cent for 2 years straight to create and build something amazing. 

The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?  

My biggest breakthrough was learning how to take proper photos and market my products. 

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