Thrive & Not Just Survive Early Motherhood: Support & Honest Expert Advice from Bump to Baby


At motherhoodroad, Hannah understands that there is no “one size fits all” approach to motherhood and that no two babies are the same. Hannah has been fondly referred to over the years as The Bump and Baby Guru® as she has spent her career working with young babies as a motherhood coach, sleep consultant and baby care expert. Hannah’s support dives deep into newborn care, feeding, sleep, and looking at how you can navigate pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period in a way that feels intuitive to you and your baby. There are no rights or wrongs; this is about you and your baby. She encourages mothers to lean in to what feels intuitive to them, quiet the outside noise and help you feel confident and empowered by imparting her wealth of knowledge on sleep, feeding, reflux and birth. Here she talks to The Natural Parent Magazine about the inspiration behind her business, how she balances work and family time, and the challenges she has overcome along the way.

The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?

I have shared that postnatal, newborn haze with many new mothers as they navigate pregnancy, birth and life with a young baby. The reality is postnatal support is at an all time low, leaving mothers feeling somewhat isolated and let down by the system. The traditional sense of a village is no more: often family are far away. Becoming a mother is one of the most overwhelming yet exciting chapters of someone’s life. There is even a term for the process: matrescence. The fact I get to share that and call it work feels like a privilege. Watching someone evolve as they find their feet in motherhood is very special.

I feel very strongly about mental wellbeing and realised early on that it’s so easy to become overwhelmed during early motherhood, to not trust your instincts and to compare yourself to others. There is so much to take on board, flooded with opinions and information at a time when you’re at your most vulnerable. I didn’t just want to help one family as a maternity nurse, nor can everyone afford to hire one, but everyone deserves the support. My business is evolving over time, but the inspiration remains the same: enabling women to find their feet in motherhood.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?

I have spent my career working with families from all walks of life. After graduating university, I was fortunate enough to have a role in Monaco as a nanny to a newborn (and his siblings). I remember being passed a Gina Ford book and being told to give the baby water if he wouldn’t settle back to sleep at 4am. I adored that family and role and so trained as a maternity nurse at 21. Since then, I have spent thousands of hours with newborns in private homes and diversified to train as a sleep consultant. I have completely transformed the way I work, following what I believe is truly best for mother and baby. The book I was once given is now gathering dust somewhere (or perhaps I used it one day to start my wood burner, who knows!).

The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?

Supporting mothers as they bring new life into this world is incredible. In the last few years, I’ve seen a positive shift in narrative on how to raise young babies, which I feel is reflecting positively on motherhood .

Everyone is on the same journey, just taking a different path. One thing remains the same: you need to find your feet in motherhood and trust in your instinct. My biggest breakthrough was being told by a mother of newborn triplets that I brought joy, calm and comfort to her life in a way she couldn’t possibly thank me for. To receive gratitude from families because of the support I have given is wonderful. For me it’s about the little wins rather than one breakthrough moment.

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and personal life? What recommendations can you give those balancing work and family life?

I like to think of it this way: in an airplane crash, you’re told to put on your oxygen mask first. The same needs to be said for motherhood. Take care of yourself, be kind to yourself and then everything else will follow. Oh and organisation is key, plus a whole load of patience.

As for myself, I really struggle to separate my work from my personal life as it’s a true passion of mine. I find it impossible to read a post on Facebook from a desperate mum whose baby is not feeding well, isn’t sleeping and the GP has told them it’s normal. I can’t go to sleep without offering them the support they so deserve.

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