Women’s Health & Postpartum Ayurvedic Care

Their personalised Ayurvedic meal programs are designed to support the healing and rejuvenation period of a mother after childbirth. The nutritious meals have been designed for postpartum mothers to gently restore their digestive fire. The carefully selected ingredients support the nervous system with grounding meals and herbs. Every meal is cooked and prepared with love and care, infused with mantras and made with organic, plant-based ingredients. This beautiful program is designed to support the newborn mother throughout her healing and rejuvenation journey after childbirth.

They also handcraft beautiful products to support this period. They offer abhyanga oil for both mama and baby. These are oils that are applied to the body and gently massaged into the skin. They help to calm the nervous system and improve immunity. They also help to build strong tissues in babies.  

This precious, delicate time postpartum should not be underestimated. The care and attention provided to new mums and babies throughout this period will give them strength, good health and wellbeing for years to come.

Visit the SOMA-Shakti website to find out more about the wonderful care they offer to mums and their babies. You can also join their supportive communities on Facebook and Instagram.

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