Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?
This is a big theme of what I teach; so, I practise what I preach. For me, this congruency is essential. I rest when I need to. I put my phone away. I meditate. I also pay really mindful attention to the way I parent my four boys. They get a lot of love and attention and ‘space holding’ from me, but not at the cost of my own spirit and capacity. I guess I have taught them to respect and understand that I’m a whole person and I need time for my own nourishment too.

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?
My biggest blocks have been around standing fully on my own two feet in my power. For many years, I felt like I needed others to support me – business partners, intimate partners, coaches or spiritual teachers. As I enter well into my 40s now, I know myself better than ever and I’m getting better at trusting my intuition and looking inside more than outside for guidance. This doesn’t mean I’m not close to others; it just means I trust myself more than I ever have and believe in my capacity.
For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?
For me the pros by far outweigh the cons. I’ve created a career that allows me to be available for my children. I can do school pick up and drop off. I can attend events that are important to them. I have flexibility and freedom in my life. I do work hard and sometimes I’ll be up late at night working when the kids are asleep, but that’s a small price to pay for the amount of freedom I have. Another pro for me is that my work allows plenty of quiet and alone time. My family life is so busy and loud and intense (because: four boys!) that it’s really important and valuable to me that I have reflective time and that is built into my working day. I’m just very fortunate to have a balanced and enriching life. I don’t take it for granted and I worked hard for it. I now share how I’ve done it with other women so they can feel the same.

Hopes and dreams: What next?
Keep building and serving. In the next year I’d like to buy myself a cool retro campervan so I can get away once in a while to write and dream. My life is pretty great so I’m not looking at big changes – just keep showing up for what I do, staying in my lane and working with my strengths to serve my family and the women who are drawn to my work. I do want to write another book too, so that’s on the cards as well.
Find out more about Katie Rose at www.Bhaktirose.com and join her supportive communities on Facebook and Instagram. She is also offering our readers 20% off their first ayurvedic tea order from www.bhaktiblends.com.au by using the code GODDESS.