10 Things to Know about Designing a Backyard Space for Toddlers

7. Think About Season Changes

Find ways to make the space accessible throughout any season of the year. In the summer, you can have fun water features and add heaters or a place to make snowmen when the temperatures drop. Your play equipment should also be weather resistant to stay intact through the seasons.

8. Use Natural Elements

Children who spend time in nature are happier, stronger and smarter. Discovering new things in nature is a part of the fun of playing outside. Include a sensory garden with different textures and a water feature that encourages them to engage with it.

9. Include Spaces for Guests

Having friends over is a great way to share the fun of the space you created. Toddlers love socialising with their friends and you can have parent time with the other children’s parents. Include an area where you can comfortably sit while the kids play.

10. Have Fun

Designing your backyard space for toddlers should be fun and exciting for everyone. You can even involve your toddler in deciding what they want. Make it a space you both love to play in to have special moments together.

Get Started on Your Space

After careful planning and consideration, you’re on the road to designing your backyard space. Start planning today to figure out how you’ll create the perfect play area for your toddler.

Jane is the founder and editor-in-chief of Environment.co where she shares practical tips on how to live a greener life.

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