A planned hospital birth is too risky for me, here’s why

Could your home be the very place that you feel most comfortable to gently welcome your baby to the world?

Image credit: Darwin Birth Photography

Just allow yourself to dream a little. Tap into, channel and honour your inner beliefs and wisdom. Without the noise and opinions of anyone else. Not your partner, your friends, your siblings, your mother. What is it that you truly want? What does birth look like? Who is with you? Where are you? How does it feel to step into your power?

Sometimes these questions alone can plant the seed that you need. And this seed grows and flourishes. Unstoppable. Unhindered. Until you can’t imagine not giving birth at home.

I’ve seen this first hand in women who have felt called to my mentoring offerings at Grow & Glow Birth. A combination of intimate one-to-one sessions and sacred gatherings with other women on the same journey. Their initial intent to birth in a birth centre, because it fell under a definition of safe, from themselves and those around them. Not wanting a hospital ward birth, but not ready for a homebirth. What changed? Soon into our birth mentoring journey, they experienced an unravelling of what they thought they knew, arriving at their true birth vision and unhindered beliefs in their own time. A newfound understanding of the female body, a shift in mindset to value undisturbed birth and tuning into their instincts as the true definition of safe.

It’s not brave, it’s birth as it should be.

“When I met you, all I had considered about birth was that when it was time for my baby to arrive, I didn’t want to go to hospital and I wanted to stay at home as long as possible. You have helped me discover, articulate, and have the confidence to have a home birth.” – Sarah, first-time mother.

Here are some things to help you consider if homebirth is right for you:
  • You value the importance of physiological, undisturbed birth
  • You only want people that you personally know and trust in your birth space
  • You want creature comforts over a clinical feel
  • You want a peaceful newborn transition from womb to world
  • You want to completely avoid interventions and medical meddling
  • You don’t want to have to move location during active labour
  • You want quality and intimate time with your family immediately after birth
  • You’ve experienced negative feelings or birth trauma related to hospital
The truth is, it’s not as easy as just deciding to homebirth

The work that you put in is inner work, which is arguably more intense than any birth education course. And this needs to be done in pregnancy, or even beforehand. Because in order to accept what you desire and deserve fully, that ‘good girl/people pleasing’ mentality needs to go.

In the process of accepting the physiology of birth, you’re uncovering your true identity, shedding layers of expectations and social conditioning. Being open to birth in a way that feels most authentically aligned to you. Surrendering to your deepest desires. Being honest about your fears, honouring them, working through them. Understanding and appreciating the way your body labours and births. Being open to a new way of thinking.

This not only changes your approach to birth, but also womanhood and motherhood. Emerging lighter, with more autonomy, self-trust and confidence.

Join Chantelle in Grow & Glow Birth, a holistic online birth preparation journey that includes an intimate one-on-one relationship and the soothing energy of like-minded women coming together on their pregnancy journey. Visit her website or join her on Instagram.

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