Beautiful, Organic, Cotton Muslin Products from Bub & Bear

The drive: What challenges have you overcome? 

I would have to say one of the challenges that I have overcome and also continue to work on is believing in myself and meeting my own expectations – that as a first-time mother, I can also handle the pressures of a new business.

We can be too hard on ourselves and can be our own worst critics. While my family and friends were cheering me on, I felt I wasn’t moving fast enough, I wasn’t doing enough.

While on one hand I felt I wasn’t giving the business the time it needed, on the other I was concerned I was taking away precious mama-baby time. I initially struggled with meeting my own expectations of being what I thought was a super mum and super businesswoman.

I have learned and continue to remind myself that I am actually doing a great job. I am an amazing mother and I am building my own little empire at my own pace. Rome wasn’t built in a day!

I guess we all – especially mothers – need to sometimes take a breath and cut ourselves some slack and say – You Good. You Got This

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business? 

I come from a family of business owners, with my parents having exposed me to a range of businesses – the highs and lows as well as the struggles and successes, in addition to my educational background in business – this is something I inherently understand and could say is in my blood?

When starting a business of your own, you don’t have a job description, or set work hours, sick leave or holiday pay. You don’t get to clock out at the end of the day and go home and relax.

You are always thinking, planning, working. You are the director, the marketing staff, accountant, admin, purchaser, reception, IT etc. You do everything because you are everything.

To some, those may be cons, and to others, pros.  

Personally, I love the challenge and thrive under pressure. There is so much learning to be done and each new milestone is a feather in your cap, and I am here for it.

Hopes and dreams: What next? 

I would love for our products to reach across the nation and then across the ditch to mamas far and wide. I hope they love us and recommend us to their loved ones.

I have since a young age envisioned having my own factory and warehouses, but I never knew for what. Maybe this is it? Dreams are free!

View their full range of muslin products and accessories on the Bub & Bear website. You can also follow their journey on Facebook and Instagram.


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