For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?
The number one Pro and Con of working for yourself is: It’s all on you!
Hopes and dreams: What next?
I am currently working on my first solo exhibition: The Papatuanuku Series. I wanted to use my skills to create a photo series that portrayed a kaupapa close to my own heart: “We should nurture our women and land like they nurture us”.
I have photographed 13 pregnant mamas (including myself) in landscapes where they look almost as one with each other yet still being independent, resembling both as important. I want to encourage the viewer to really think about how they treat such beauty, how without these two taonga we would not exist so we MUST take care of them. I also want the work to provoke discussion and invite questioning of what can we can do better to maintain this beauty.
Aside from that, I just enjoy watching my little jungle warriors grow into the leaders of tomorrow and continue helping others tell their whanau story through photography.

To see some behind the scenes videos, click HERE.
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