The Drive: What challenges have you overcome?
I think the biggest challenge that I have had to overcome is thinking that I am not “good enough” to do this. It’s all about getting out of my own way really and once I do the opportunities present themselves in a really natural way.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?
It is definitely for better or worse. Having to take time out for other things especially when someone is sick is quite hard as you have to catch up and there is no sick leave pay. However, it is also great to be able to have the flexibility to change things around and be there for my son when he needs me.
I enjoy being able to do things the way that work for me but I do miss having someone else to bounce ideas off. It can be daunting at times when you are trying out a new idea but being linked in with other potters and people on social media is a great way to feel less isolated and daunted.
Working from home is something I have had to get used to but now love it and really enjoy always having something different happening as making ceramics is a long and varied process. I do get asked to do a lot of other things on my days at home because I think people see that if you work from home (and especially when you tell them you are a potter) then you must have lots of spare time.

Hopes and dreams: What next?
I am really excited about this year and moving forward with Bravery Inc. I am in the planning stages of some retreat days and gatherings with an opportunity for people to try their hand at ceramics while also nourishing their bodies and souls. I am also looking at some ideas for packages that can be posted out like a mini creative retreat at home and a play package that mums can use to spend time with their kids doing something creative.
I am also going to have a few more shops stocking my work and getting involved in more community exhibitions this year. If your readers are interested in keeping up to date, they can join me on Instagram @bravery.inc and also sign up to my monthly giveaway there which puts them in the draw to win something each month and find out about new and exciting things before anyone else.
To see the full range, visit the Bravery Inc. website, and follow Bravery Inc. on Facebook and Instagram.