COVID-19 has ramped your nervous system – how craniosacral can help rebalance it

He acknowledges that “the optimally resilient individual has opportunities to co-regulate physiological state with a safe and trusted other. Ideally, this “other” person projects positive cues regarding their autonomic state through prosodic voice, warm welcoming facial expressions, and gestures of accessibility.” This is what I do in my clinic room. 

I create a calm, safe space. You are warm, blanketed, fully clothed and brought back into a safe awareness of your body.

With trauma, I’m gently re-educating clients to come back into relationship with the parts of themselves that have dissociated for good reason. It’s a smart system that decides that neck pain, or that level of stress is too much right now. We take time to find the places of health in your body, so your neural pathways can get the message to revert to safety rather than leaving your limbic system in high alert. 

Some of us have managed to maintain connection during lockdown, others have really struggled.

Non-judgemental, anatomically-informed neutral touch, allows the body to come into safety and discharge some of these inherent patterns, that may have lain dormant for decades, now resurfacing. 

Originally published here.

Liz Kirkman is a mum and performer who found craniosacral therapy by accident when on tour. Two life-changing sessions later she was sold. As well as an Honours Degree in Theatre, she is a registered Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist and Senior Tutor on the international Body Intelligence training. Her postgraduate studies include Healing Pre and Perinatal Trauma, Working with Emotions: Heart, Belly and Throat, Ignition in the Midline and Vagus and the Viscera. Although still a performer, Liz is humbled and feels a much greater sense of purpose and fulfillment by helping people achieve a better quality of life. 

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