Eco-friendly baby products for environmentally-conscious parents


Choosing the right products for your precious babies can be tricky and confusing. For peace of mind, Herobility baby products are developed by fellow parents and based on their own parenting experiences. Their Eco-line range offers parents top-quality, eco-friendly products, made with plant-based materials and from corn starch. Read their story below.

The passion: What inspired you to set up your business? 

What inspired me at the start – and still does – was to create products with unique features that simplified the lives of our parents and their babies. Achieving the impossible and solving problems that we all see but no one has done anything about. To make the world a better place, leading the industry with both environmentally friendly products and support for charity organisations. That’s my passion, how it become my business is another story.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?  

I made the first prototypes with a 3d printer at home and tested my designs with my own kids. When I saw how good they were, and how my 6-month-old daughter Alva didn’t want any other products, I decided to apply for patents and launch the products. We started out in Sweden and then later took on the whole world. 

The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?  

When we first got all these wonderful emails from parents, saying the same things in different words, describing how they had tried almost all the bottles on the market and their baby didn’t accept any of them. They were all in a similar, stressful situation. Soon they’d be going back to work, and they desperately needed to find a bottle that worked for their baby. Then, they got recommended by a friend or nurse to try Herobility, and it worked right away. This is still one of the best feelings, knowing that we are making a real difference in people’s everyday life.

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family? 

Me and my wife work together in the company. When we both understand the challenges we have gone through during the day, we find we can support each other more at home. With three kids, there are always family activities after work and room for happiness and joy. I also try to have my own time, exercising several times per week and going skiing and snowboarding in the Swedish mountains every now and then.

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