As a new bulk bin convert these are a must-have. Buy all your dry goods like rice, flour, pasta, etc in bulk and store in glass jars at home. Not only will it save packaging but also looks good too!
In an effort to reduce our family’s plastic waste and also to save some money I started making our own muesli for breakfast sourced from our local organic shop.
This simple but delicious recipe normally lasts our family of three a week and costs about $6 to make.
Muesli Recipe
7-8 cups of quick rolled oats
½ cup chia seeds
½ cup sunflower seeds
½ cup shredded coconut
3-4 tablespoons cinnamon
Mix to combine and store in an air tight jar or container. Serve with your choice of milk (we use Coconut Milk), leave to sit for 5 mins and serve with plenty of your favourite seasonal fruit.
These little bags are very deceiving, they may look small but can stretch to hold a lot! Roll up and store in your handbag or in the glove box of your car. Not only handy for a supermarket trip but also a beach outing, market excursions or a library trip.
So remember little changes every day or week can add up. By taking a few produce bags with you on your next shopping trip or by leaving some bags in your car for when you next pop to the shops can really make a difference.
I challenge you to think about how you can work towards reducing your plastic waste and work towards a sustainable life in 2018.
Here’s a little deal to help get you started. Get the following reusable items for $56, saving you $10! Click here.
2x Rethink Reusable Fresh Produce Bags – x3 multi pack worth $14.00 each
1x Rethink Reusable Bulk Bin Bags – x3 pack worth $15.00
2x Rethink Cotton String Shopping Bag – Short Handle $11.50 each
For a limited time and while stocks last.