Having always been interested in health, wellness and how the body functions, Tasmin Fourie found herself drawn to homeopathy. She completed her studies in South Africa before moving to New Zealand with her husband and daughter, where she went on to become a doula too, offering love and support to women through pregnancy and childbirth. She launched ROAM Holistic Wellness, a practice focused on the support and wellness of an individual’s physical, mental and emotional health, with a special interest in women, pregnancy and children. As well as homeopathic and doula services, she also offers castings of your little ones’ hands and feet, creating beautiful keepsakes that you can treasure forever.
The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?
I was brought up around homeopathy and was always interested in medicine and how the body worked. When I was asked what I wanted to be as a young girl, I always said I want to be a doctor. I always had an empathetic nature and a drive to help and make a difference in people’s lives. Learning how amazing the body is and its ability to heal itself with the use of natural products that had been used for centuries, I knew that I wanted to be a ‘natural’ medicine doctor. When I finished high school and had to choose what to study, I was somewhat unsure of which career path I wanted to follow. However, the doors to what I thought I wanted to do kept closing and the one to homeopathy kept opening. So, in a way, I believe that homeopathy chose me, and I couldn’t be happier.

When we moved to New Zealand a little over two years ago from South Africa, I had decided that I would ‘give up’ homeopathy to raise and settle my little family in our new home. However, after about 18 months of being in New Zealand, I felt like something of me was missing and my heart was still drawn to wanting to do homeopathy. So, I had all my books and things sent over to New Zealand and started my new journey of homeopathy.
During this time, I fell pregnant with my second daughter and knew that I wanted a different birth experience and desperately wanted to have a VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean). Through my hours of research and preparation for my own labour and delivery, I became drawn to becoming a birth doula to love and support other women through pregnancy and birth. So, this year I decided there was no better time than now to expand on my knowledge and add birth doula to my homeopathic practice. My passion in practice has always been more towards women and children’s health.
During the second lockdown, I had this thought to add hand and foot castings to the services I provide. When my children were babies, I didn’t have castings done for them and it’s something I so regret. Everyone tells you how quickly they grow and how quickly the time passes but when you are in the thick of things, you don’t see it, until one day they do something and you think wow, they are not so little anymore. So, I thought, well they may not be tiny anymore, but hey, rather late than never. Adding baby/toddler hand and foot castings has given me an opportunity to add a creative side to my business and has pushed and grown me personally. It brought me so much joy to make these beautiful tiny keepsakes.
My children have truly been my inspiration to start and expand my business. I want to show them to always follow your heart and do something you love.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?
I have always had a home-based practice, which has allowed me the freedom to do what I love whilst still being able to be available to my kids.
The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?
This is a tough one. Probably having those moments of courage and just jumping into things. I think everyone has those moments of doubt: Can I do this? What if it doesn’t work? But what I have learnt in those moment is to just try, give it the best you have, and hard work always reaps a reward. I am a real firm believer that if it’s meant to be, things will fall into place how they should and in the right time – through perseverance, courage and following your heart.