Luxury, Sustainable Swimwear Designed for the Ever-Changing Woman

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?

Running a business is no walk in the park, and it’s definitely not for the faint-hearted.

My journey to create B&B Swim was filled with its fair share of challenges, from fine-tuning our product to taking those initial steps into the market. I had to stay dedicated, be patient, and be open to refining our products until they met the standards I set for myself. On top of that, breaking into a competitive market and staying true to our sustainability values took a whole lot of persistence and some clever thinking.

One of my most significant personal challenges has been allowing myself to make the shift from a product designer to an entrepreneur. It meant learning to remove the emotional factor and thinking more like a business. This transition has been both exciting and daunting but an essential part of my journey. It’s a reminder that every entrepreneur faces unique hurdles on the path to building something meaningful.

Cara Cristini – Founder & Designer
For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?


  • The opportunity to bring a personal vision to life.
  • The potential for financial independence and growth.
  • The ability to make a positive impact by promoting sustainability and inclusivity in the industry.


  • The demands of entrepreneurship can be intense and all-consuming.
  • Risk and uncertainty, especially in the early stages.
  • The emotional impact you bear with the responsibility for success. The pressure to make crucial decisions, manage finances, and ensure the company’s growth can be overwhelming and emotionally taxing.
  • Balancing work and personal life can be challenging.
Hopes and dreams: What next?

My vision is to see myself, as the founder of B&B Swim, transform into a source of inspiration for women seeking confidence both in and out of the water. I aspire to be a trusted and go-to figure in the realm of timeless and sustainable swimwear.

As I progress on this journey, my goal is to not only expand my reach and continue innovating, but also to stay true to the core values of inclusivity and adaptability. Beyond the fabrics and designs, my deepest aspiration is to empower women. I want them to not only feel confident in my swimwear, but also to carry that newfound confidence with them in every aspect of their lives. It’s about encouraging each woman to embrace her unique qualities and shine, whether she’s by the shore or navigating life’s diverse challenges.

Visit the B&B Swim website to check out their swimwear range. You can also follow them on Facebook and Instagram.

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