A trained chef with a passion for creating exciting food and exploring flavours, Frances Stermi serves up a delicious range of irresistible, mouth-watering cookies. A small business based in Rolleston, Christchurch, Hidden Crumb offers an exciting selection of homemade cookies. From their timeless classic and Biscoff cookies, to red velvet, fairy bread, Oreo and choc M&M cookies, there is something to appeal to all tastes. Here Frances talks to The Natural Parent Magazine about the passion behind her Hidden Crumb, her biggest breakthrough, the challenges she has overcome, and the pros and cons of running her own business.
The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?
I love making people smile and seeing their faces when they try a new taste or flavour. A trained chef, creating food that excites and can be used to lift spirits is important to me.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?
After having two small boys, I wanted to be able to combine my passion for food while being there for my sons. I started by exploring flavours and testing them on family and friends until I had a range of different cookies to appeal to all tastes.
The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?
Completing a business start-up course in Christchurch 2023 ensured I was ready for launch in February 2024, and I have since gone from strength to strength. My biggest breakthrough was an article in the Press which got the name Hidden Crumb into households across Canterbury and a steady flow of orders ensued.

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?
Balancing the needs of work and family is aided by an eager nan and grandad who look after the boys while I do the baking and packaging, and while I sell at markets across the Canterbury region. I have a large family and when mum and dad are busy, my sisters and brother have stepped in to help. This support is invaluable in helping me succeed and provide for my family.