Quality, Ethical, Organic Cotton Comfort for the Whole Family

The drive: What challenges have you overcome? 

I have been faced with many challenges, too many to list here, but I guess the overall challenge of being a self-funded entrepreneur is making the wisest choice on where to spend your time, energy and money from the minefield and multitude of constantly changing options on offer!! From software technology, marketing, events, training, networking, apps, memberships, courses etc .. there are so many opportunities available to build your business, it can be difficult to know which is going to work best for YOU! I’m constantly doing courses, educating myself and researching endlessly to ensure the little time and money I have to invest back into the business is going to give me the most beneficial outcome. I believe this comes from experience, trial and error and will be a constant challenge, but I’m told it gets easier to overcome in time 😉  

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business? 

The biggest pro is that I LOVE IT! I love that I am my own boss and work my own hours, I love the flexibility and freedom and I have really enjoyed learning so much in such a short period of time. I have connected with AMAZING people and have had so many incredible opportunities that I never would have had otherwise. 

In terms of cons, finding that ‘balance’, not over committing – too much work and not enough play – can be hard. There are also the lows that are inevitable with small business when you get let down or not reaching your goals (setting standards too high), and relying on others to fulfil their side of ‘the deal’ is often not met. This is incredibly disheartening. 

Hopes and dreams: What next? 

A kids’ range – they want to feel comfy and look good too right 🙂 Something for the whole family that is eco-ethical, sustainable, Australian made and premium quality that will last and not become landfill after a couple of wears. 

Find out more about BJ’s PJs and Baby Origami Double Wrap™ on their websites. You can also follow them on Facebook and Instagram via their Linktree.

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