She Is Seen: The inspiring women’s self acceptance movement

The call out for women received such an awesome response that the She Is Seen Movement was born. A collective of women exploring the journey of womanhood.  

Since then I’ve run a successful kickstarter campaign which paid for the publication of ‘Through Her Eyes’, sold out an all women led music festival and created a social enterprise all about normalising normal women and their stories. Last year I photographed over 250 women in their underwear or nude and raised a lot of money for women’s charities though calendar sales. 

The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?  

Connection and community has been the biggest breakthrough for the She Is Seen Movement. Moving into a space of collaboration and working with women is where the magic really happens.  

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family? 

This is hard and has taken lots of practice, in truth it is a challenge and a balancing act that I’m constantly grappling with. In saying that, it’s a learning that I’m grateful for because for me family is what’s important and now more than ever my intention is that the movement works around them as apposed to them constantly making space for me to work.

The drive: What challenges have you overcome? 

So many. Small business, especially arts based ones can be incredibly challenging. Learning to charge for my services has been a huge challenge for me as I love what I do and really would do it for free but the trade off of that is that by undervaluing myself, me and my family miss out on time together. I worked countless hours for free before realising that I need to charge for both my time and skills in order to nourish and respect my self and the amazing service that I offer my clients.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business? 

Time management and work life balance for me are the most difficult thing about running my own business. The pros are being able to live creativity and follow my passion, to meet wonderful people and build an incredible community.

Hopes and dreams: What next? 

This year will see the launch of the Her Wisdom Podcast. It’s going to be pretty outrageous, heartbreaking, funny and full of explosive stories and life changing wisdom. Think Dolly Doctor meets Oprah with a woman for every decade. Um it’s going to be amazing! 

I’ll continue to do photo shoots and will again produce a calendar to raise funds for women’s charities.  

The community that is the She Is Seen Movement will build and grow into a new perfect version of itself for this moment.  

Visit the She Is Seen Movement website to learn more about the amazing work Libby is doing, and join her supportive communities on Facebook and Instagram.

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