Your Fertility, Hormone & Women’s Health Naturopath

Seed & Flourish

Nicole Peasnell is a Naturopath and Nutritionist and Founder of Seed and Flourish. No matter what stage of life you’re at, they offer natural ways to support your body, understand your hormones, promote fertility and support reproductive health. Whether it’s establishing a healthy cycle so you can achieve predictable ovulation, vitality and glowing skin; getting help falling pregnant naturally or via IVF; support through pregnancy, postnatal and menopause – they have solutions to support your health and wellbeing. They also provide natural support for thyroid and digestive health, recognising their profound influence on vitality, energy levels, hormone balance, skin health, reproductive capacity and quality of life. They use natural herbal and nutritional medicines along with practical dietary and lifestyle advice to help you achieve balance and overcome your health concerns. Here Nicole talks to The Natural Parent Magazine about the inspiration behind Seed and Flourish, the pros and cons of running her own business, and her hopes and dreams for the future.

The Passion: What inspired you to set up business?

Many years ago, I decided to change careers from a stressful advertising job to becoming a Naturopath and Nutritionist because the stress was taking a toll on my health. After visiting a Naturopath and overcoming my chronic fatigue and poor thyroid health, I was amazed by the benefits of herbal medicine and nutrition on my own health. This experience fascinated me, leading me to leave my job and pursue a four-year university degree in Naturopathic Medicine.

As we are all unique as individuals and will have different reasons for why we struggle with our health, my dream has always been to have my own natural health clinic where my clients can access personalised and tailored natural health support using nutrition, herbal medicine, diet and lifestyle support specifically for their individual needs. I strive to get to the root cause of their health concerns, so instead of a band-aid approach, they can achieve long-lasting change with their health and wellness. This is why I became a Naturopath and Nutritionist and why I continue to love what I do.

The inspiration to start Seed and Flourish came from the need for more flexibility in my work to balance my family’s needs, including my husband’s shift work and my daughter’s after-school sports and activities. I wanted to be present, supportive, and available for her as a mum. With the extensive experience I had gained, I knew I was ready to go out on my own, so I took the leap and started my own business.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?

Firstly, I took on some part-time contract work as a Naturopath and Nutritionist on the side to provide financial stability while I set up Seed and Flourish. This approach eased the financial pressure and allowed me to choose my working hours, enabling Seed and Flourish to grow organically around my availability, giving me the balance I longed for.

I did the launch work like designing and creating my own website myself, which was something I had no previous skill in but was such an enjoyable and creative process and from which I learnt a lot!

The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?

Traditionally, Naturopathy and Nutrition consultations were held as in-person visits, which restricted access to those outside my area. However, with the growing acceptance of telehealth, especially during and after the pandemic, Seed and Flourish can now connect with clients worldwide, not just in Brisbane. This shift has opened up new opportunities, allowing clients to access consultations from their location at a convenient time without the hassle of traffic and parking. The best part is that you can join online from wherever you are. This flexibility is especially wonderful for new parents-you can attend a consultation with your baby in your arms, feeling relaxed and comfortable, even in your pyjamas!

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?

I’m happy to say that I’ve found a great balance in my life. I wanted to ensure I could take my daughter to after-school sports and be present for the things that matter to her, being a mum and being there for hugs and support when needed. I also love to eat healthily and provide nourishing meals for my family. Starting my own business has given me the flexibility to manage my time better, allowing me to do all these things. As a family with shift work schedules, having my own business and the autonomy that comes with it means I can adjust my work hours and days to be available when my husband can’t be.

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