‘Why Dads Babywear’ on Instagram makes the heart melt

By Hannah Schenker

There’s just something about a babywearing daddy that gets the heart all melty. Perhaps it acts as a symbol of their love and dedication to their child. It shows that they know the value of physical closeness between not just mother and child, but father and child also. Babies are not purely a mother’s responsibility and the caretaking her job – so babywearing dads show us they are nurturing and involved too. Melt.

This Instagram feed is dedicated to whole daddy-babywearing thing – called ‘Why Dads Babywear‘. Dads post photos of themselves babywearing with their reason for doing so – practicality wins, but so does a little humour.

In a time when it feels like we are constantly having to “normalise” everything that used to be a natural thing – well, it’s great that these dads are on board, “normalising” babywearing by dads!

Here is a selection – enjoy.

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