BrambleFaire: Creative storytelling through art

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?  

I would say with difficulty, same as any business. Both sides keep you pretty busy, but the flexibility means that I can focus on being a parent first and work later. Most of the time it’s about routine, scheduling and priorities, and just making it work. 

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?  

After a pretty yucky separation, I threw myself into full-time study and parenting pretty hard. Fair to say my yin and yang was not so balanced. After taking some time off and refocusing a bit, I came back with a lot more determination. 

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business? 

Pros are definitely the flexibility, not having to miss out on activities and really trying to be present. Cons are the pressure for sure; sometimes life happens but the to-do list doesn’t always wait. Luckily in our wee country people are pretty understanding if you have good communication. 

Hopes and dreams: What next? 

I would love for my business to evolve into my art career. I’m so lucky to have been able to have the time at home with my children and develop my skills. 

Visit the Bramblefaire website and join Katy’s inspirational journey on Facebook and Instagram.

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