Capturing Beautiful Moments Through Photography

The drive: What challenges have you overcome? 

Trusting in the unknown and going with the signs from the universe that it was time to take this on as my sole business was scary! My biggest challenge is self-worth and wondering if the work I produce is “worthy” of the exchange I ask for (Of course it is!). I pride myself off of living from my own intuition and I know that the work I produce is full of heart and soul and that is shown in the quality of work I do – so I can now see how easy it is to enjoy “work” when you’re doing what you absolutely love and having that pay off. 

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business? 

The pros are my reasoning behind my “why” and that is working around my family. Not replacing my time with them for income, instead creating a way that I can still make an impact (big or small) on our household income and raise our daughter gently each and every day. 

The cons – there honestly aren’t many (in my opinion). But the biggest one that comes to mind is the doubts that come into play when trying to bring new ideas to life and wondering if the time and effort is worth it.  

Hopes and dreams: What next? 

There is so much swirling through my creative centre right now, but the one that keeps on coming through is how I can use my knowledge and gifts to help educate others in simple ways. This may be in an online course, or events. I’m not sure yet, but I know they will be epic! 

Visit the Opal Imagery website to see more of Jenna’s beautiful images. You can also follow her creative journey on Facebook and Instagram. 

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