How To Keep Your Children Healthy This Winter

You can use Reiki preventatively, to boost your children’s immune system, so they catch fewer bugs and are ill less often. You can also use Reiki when they do get ill, following the protocols to most effectively target the parts of their system that need support so they can fight off whatever they’re dealing with. If your child has a chronic condition, like asthma or eczema, you can follow the protocols for those regularly and support their bodies to reduce those symptoms.

One of the things that can be challenging as a natural parent is having all the remedies we need on hand and knowing when to use them. In an ideal world, we’d have a full range of homeopathic and herbal remedies and a good reference book or two to know how to make best use of them. And our remedy kit would fit in a Mary Poppins bag so we could take it with us when we leave the house, because our children don’t only get ill when we’re at home. One of the great things about Reiki is it’s always in your hands, so if your child starts to feel ill while you’re at a friend’s house or on holiday, you don’t have to wait until you get home, or until the shops open, to be able to start helping them feel better. Reiki will help you nip their illness in the bud.

A typical Reiki training won’t teach you how to use it with your children, but there’s an online class that will teach you everything you need to know about using Reiki to keep your children healthy and happy. Reiki for Parents includes video demonstrations of the protocols for every ailment and guided audio walk throughs so you can pop your headphones in and be talked step by step through what to do. Parents who use the techniques they’ve learnt report having fewer illnesses at home and feeling empowered in their children’s health and wellbeing. If you’d like to get through this winter with fewer sick days, Reiki for Parents might be just what you need in your medicine cabinet.

Visit the Reiki for Parents website to find out more.

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